Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 1: Bus to San Pedro

Annnnnnnd.....we`re off! After weeks of late night planning, our backpacking adventures through South America finally arrived!

First step: 24 hour bus ride.

Last time I did one of these I was a young and sprightly sophomore in college, on my way to do Katrina relief in Biloxi, Mississippi (ironically, the connections from that trip is what got me here). I was ready to be social the whole time, getting to know my fellow volunteers. This time, I had a different "s" word in mind: sleep.

And oh did I sleep!

It was like the past four months of running after buses and exerting energy not to explode while on crowded subways finally caught up to me. We were off on an amazing adventure and I knew lack of sleep would soon be in my future again, so I caught as many z`s as I could.

I partially saw the following movies: Jack Reacher, The Hobbit, and two others that I don`t remember. Definitely no the most exciting day, but it was a much needed break.

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